This Treehouse dwelling will act as a catalyst for the management of the young oak woodland in which it sits, encouraging healthy growth and improved lifespan for the local ecosystem resulting in a better carbon capture over the long term.

The proposed dwelling strives to be of high quality and locally distinctive in terms of both architecture and landscape alike.

Besides incorporating innovative and sustainable design measures, the project aims to significantly enrich the local biodiversity and ecology of the site with the introduction of a natural clay-lined pond and native-species rich planting.

The proposed dwelling form is be built on stilts, embedding itself within the surrounding tree canopy. Clad with a combination of mirrored glass and locally sourced oak to reflect the site’s natural beauty, the Treehouse design has been thoughtfully crafted to complement its natural setting, including its massing, orientation, and landscaping. The journey and experience throughout the dwelling has been designed to promote meaningful & positive interactions with nature.


Private Dwelling, Crimple Valley


Hill Top House